Colector de neblinas, colectores industriales, filtrado de neblinas, niebla. Filtrado de neblinas, humos y polvos húmedos, colector de polvo ciclónico

Colector de neblinas, colectores industriales, filtrado de neblinas, niebla. Filtrado de neblinas, humos y polvos húmedos, colector de polvo ciclónico

Colector de neblinas, colectores industriales, filtrado de neblinas, niebla. Filtrado de neblinas, humos y polvos húmedos, colector de polvo ciclónico

Benefits of a Mist Collector

In the processes of metalurgia and mecanizado It is very common for mist to be generated, due to the nature of the various production methods. The detachment of micro particles that remain in the work environment needs to be controlled by means of a team specialized in the containment and purification of these.

A DYNA FLO® Mist Collector, is a system specially designed for the filtering of mist, smoke and wet dust of different applications. Its principle is based on three-stage filtration for maximum efficiency and optimal filter life. It features a Premium Efficiency integrated fan with a motor that maximizes performance, reduces energy consumption and minimizes operating costs.

Other filtration features include a high-efficiency filter in a first stage to collect most of the oil, another filter in a washable second stage and finally, as a third stage, a filter to contain the finest dry particles.

With this type of system, we manage to control the mists that are generated, in addition to the fact that in many cases it allows us to recover materials to be reused, allowing companies to obtain more benefits from this equipment.

The mists

The most common definition of mist is, “a liquid droplet 20 microns in diameter or slightly smaller”. Smoke is usually a much smaller material, from 0.07 to 1 micron in diameter.

Liquid aresols meet these types of characteristics, solid aerosols are also the direct result of an incomplete combustion process or vapors at very high temperatures.

It is sometimes called “temperature fog” or “oily smoke”.

Applications that commonly generate mist or fumes are cold forging, metal machining or punching with pure oil, among others.

The benefits of the mist collector

Protect employee health

Improves the quality of the work environment

Improve air quality

Reduce operating costs

Reduce material waste by collecting and allowing reuse



Did you know that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), is an agency of the United States Department of Labor and establishes that workers can only be exposed to mists of up to 5mg/m3 for only 8 hours a day and a maximum of 40 hours a week.

In addition, the United States CDC, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health which is a federal agency, establish that workers cannot be exposed to this type of waste for more than 10 hours a day and a total of 40 hours a week, in order not to affect their health.

DYNA FLO® Tips: 

  • The best way to control mist, smoke or wet dust is directly where it is generated.
  • A mist collector can help recover resources to be reused and thus generate savings in the cost of production.
  • If you require a reliable analysis to implement the best solution for fog control, contact us, we are ready to help you.

Collector Types 

dust collector maintenance, collector maintenance, collectors

Colector de neblinas, colectores industriales, filtrado de neblinas, niebla. Filtrado de neblinas, humos y polvos húmedos, colector de polvo ciclónico

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