Bag Type Dust Collectors
Ours Colectors Bag Type Dust DYNAFLO® Brand, they are equipment designed with great versatility, one of their characteristics are bag-type filters or sleeves as filter media, they have baskets to give stability and mechanical support to the filters.
This type of systems have been installed in various industries such as food, foundry, automotive, paper, pharmaceutical, cement, among others.
Benefits of Bag Type Dust Collectors:
With a bag or bag capture system, the particles are stopped and separated by an internal diffuser, specially designed so that the heavier particles fall by gravity and the fines remain in the filters.
It also has an automatic pulse jet cleaning system that allows the bags or sleeves to be shaken, removing dust adhering to the filters. This technology was developed to give a longer life to the filters and a lower maintenance cost.
The discharge of the captured powders is carried out through a trapezoidal hopper (s), designed so that no particles accumulate internally, these in turn are removed by our continuous air-lock type discharge system. , electric or manual, which prevents false air from entering and guarantees the correct operation of the equipment.
This type of collectors are especially recommended for applications with high dust loads and / or processes where working with high temperatures and are difficult to capture.