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Industrial Fan: Choose the Right One

When companies need to move large volumes of air in their facilities, the first thing managers think about is a industrial fan, these equipments can be large or small, they can inject or extract air, they can be centrifugal or axial, the design and capacity depend on the application of the equipment ...

In order to choose the correct equipment, the particular situation in each case must be thoroughly known, counting on the advice of specialized personnel, who must collect all the necessary information to be able to carry out the analysis and calculations that allow to be precise at the time of choose the characteristics of the type of industrial fan, which allows moving the required volume of air. Some of the basic data to collect are the air flow, pressure drop, the dimensions of the area where air will be extracted or injected, the operating time, temperature, if there are solids or flammables in the environment, to mention a few. points.

Initial Cost vs Operating Cost

Another important factor to consider when investing in an industrial fan is the initial cost, since the purchase of the equipment, installation, adaptations of the space where it will be located should be considered, if necessary, if it is imported, additional taxes must be considered and the risks.

On the other hand, there is the operating cost, which must be considered within the budget of the project to be carried out, this because it determines the viability of this, some aspects to consider are maintenance, spare parts, energy consumption, lifetime, to name a few.

Time of life

An important aspect is the life time of the equipment, to understand it better, it is the time during which the product must function maintaining the operating conditions for which it was designed, the quality parameters of the materials with which it was manufactured, this it is closely linked to its maintenance.

The life span is in many occasions a very important factor to justify the initial investment cost.


We must take into account the various factors that could affect the performance or operation of the equipment, such as, for example, the place of its location, physical adaptations of the space, temperature, etc.


Undoubtedly, the performance of the industrial fan must be as indicated and comply with the parameters that were calculated by the specialized personnel, in addition these must be based on the data collected to solve the needs of the company.


Ventilador industrial

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Colector de polvos industrial

The design of the equipment must follow the standards already established for its manufacture by the AMCA (Association of Movement and Air Conditioning), which regulates the standards for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, this establishes the vibration standards of the fan, aerodynamic performance, air density, speed and efficiency.

Sound level

Another key aspect in an industrial fan is the level of noise that it must emit during its operation, although it is working at its maximum capacity, it must preserve the efficiency and minimum noise, this is due to the fact that it is increasingly important for Industrial companies reduce the negative impact of their production, specifically with internal personnel and the effects on the environment such as noise pollution.

The correct selection of an industrial fan minimizes internal energy consumption and at the same time the generation of noise.

Types of Industrial Fans

Centrifugal or Radial Fan: One of its main characteristics is that it has a rotor, it can enter air from one side and expel it from the other. They handle a large amount of air and overcome little pressure.

Helical or Axial Fans: Its main characteristic is that it is composed of a blade, it is commonly used to inject air, although it can also be used as an injector / extractor.

Tangential Fans: This fan is so called, because it allows the movement of air in a tangential direction with respect to its axis.

Blower type fan: This type of industrial fan is characterized by handling little air but very high pressures to overcome.

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  • Some of the applications or uses of industrial fans are in ventilation systems for:

    • Industrial Ships
    • Malls
    • Hospitals
    • Schools
    • Underground parking lots
    • Vehicular Tunnels
    • Among others

    In addition, centrifugal fans are a fundamental part of industrial collector systems for controlling dust, fumes and mists.


  • Preventive Maintenance
  • If your fan uses bands, check the tension.
  • If your fan has pulleys and belts, check the lubrication of the bearings
  • If direct drive, check electrical terminals
  • It is extremely important to always be aware of industrial fans in terms of maintenance in order to extend their useful life and avoid future problems that will cause expenses in corrections that can be avoided.

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