Colectores Ventilación industrial

Colectores Industriales

Colector de neblinas, colectores industriales, filtrado de neblinas, niebla. Filtrado de neblinas, humos y polvos húmedos, colector de polvo ciclónico
In metallurgy and machining processes, it is very common for mists to be generated, due to the nature of the various production methods. The release of micro particles that remain in the work environment...
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In many companies, allocating resources to maintain their equipment is not a priority, because they consider that as long as they do not fail, they do not require attention or they simply see it as unnecessary. But, when these are damaged and need to be repaired, they realize the mistake that is made by not considering a preventive maintenance program and allocating resources to them.
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In a Dust Collector, the differential pressure can be defined as the difference in pressure that exists between the dirty side of the filter chamber and the clean side of it, that is, it is the resistance that is generated when the air flow enters to the baghouse in the collector.
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Interstitial Velocity, or CAN Velocity, is defined as the upward velocity of air through the open area between filter bags within a dust collector.
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The welding smoke that is generated during the process of joining metal parts is a mixture of solids that are released and condense into microscopic particles, which we commonly see as fumes, vapors or gases.
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The hoppers are part of the structure of the dust collectors, they fulfill a very important function, which is to channel the materials, whether they are granulated, pulverized, among others, towards the container where the collected material will be stored. These are mounted on a rigid chassis that serves as a support, their shape is regularly conical and with sloping walls.
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In dust control systems, one of the essential parts that are not important to investors are the discharge systems. This is often due to the fact that the important function it has is unknown, in addition to being the lower part and the least striking it is less relevant.
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As head of the maintenance, purchasing or manager area, one of the main responsibilities when requesting the purchase of equipment to solve a problem in the company is to have all the necessary information to be able to evaluate and make the best decisions.
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It can be defined as the proportion of air that passes through the filter cloth, that is, the amount of air that passes through each square foot of the filter media area per minute.
Velocidad del aire, sistemas de ventilación, colectores de polvo
Before carrying out a project for the control of dust, fumes, mists or gases in the company, you must collect as much information and data that will allow you to carry out the correct and necessary calculations, one of the most important is that of the Speed of the Air or CFM.

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Colectores Ventilación industrial

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