Filtros Colector de Polvos duración

Filtros Colector de Polvos duración, filtros industriales, colector de polvos

Filtros Colector de Polvos duración


How long do the filters in an industrial dust collector last?

The life time of a new filter, either bag or cartridge type, can be determined in the first days of operation. Any type of filter, with the exception of those with a Teflon membrane, uses the layer of dust that accumulates on the surface of these to clean dirty air.

Filter life

During the life of the filter, fine dust begins to load the media inside and not just on the surface, to the point where no cleaning system can do its job properly. If this happens, the pressure differential will eventually increase and these will force you to have to replace all saturated filters with new ones.

Entre más se pueda prolongar el proceso de carga de polvo al interior de la media filtrante, el colector de polvos podrá operar con diferenciales de presión estables y recomendables. Cada filtro tiene especificaciones y recomendaciones de uso con base a su relación aire-media, cuando esta relación es excedida, el proceso de carga al interior de la media se acorta rápidamente. Depende mucho de la media filtrante y de las características del polvo el funcionamiento del diferencial de presión, este varía dependiendo de la media filtrante si es pre capeada puede operar entre 2”-3”wg (pulgadas de agua/water gauge) para bolsas y entre 1”-2”wg para cartuchos, normalmente cuando se dimensiona un sistema se consideran estos valores para potenciar el motor del ventilador y vencer la presión estática generada en todo el sistema.

Filter resistance

The resistance of new filters in a well dimensioned system will range between 0.5-1 ”wg for bags and 0.2-0.5” wg for cartridges, causing the air-media ratio to be higher with pre-weathered filters and what we must avoid is, balance the design flow regardless of how to regulate the air flow from the fan.

For example, if we start a system calculated for 10'000 ACFM (Actual Cubic Feet per Minute), without closing the damper on the fan, thinking that, by having the new filters pre-weathered, we can start with the damper open at 100%, the flow air can rise up to 14'000 ACFM, thus increasing the average air ratio up to 40-50%, which will shorten the useful life of the filters, causing more frequent stoppages and generating higher costs for replacement of all filters .

At Grupo Oasis, we develop your project from start to finish, we have specialized personnel to find the best solution for your company. Call us!

Filtros Colector de Polvos duración, filtros industriales, colector de polvos

How to justify the investment in a Dust Collector?

Starting the collector and filters

Starting a Dust Collection System with new filters can lead to high operating and maintenance costs, this is due to the high risk of plugging the filters during the start of operations. After installing the new filters, it is better to reduce the airflow with the fan damper or, if you have a frequency inverter, it can increase the pressure differential slowly, as this occurs, the airflow decreases by so that the damper will have to be adjusted again to increase the air flow, after a couple of adjustments the dust layer on the filter surface will be well developed and the pressure differential values close to what is expected.

This is a recommended procedure to be applied during the start-up of dust collectors with new filters, with this you can ensure the useful life of the filters, incorporate a procedure like this in your maintenance plan added to the constant monitoring of your collection systems of powders, it will result in considerable savings each time you have to replace saturated filters with new ones, as it is not recommended to partially replace the filters. The life of the filters will always depend on how high the pressure differential across the filters is. Operating the equipment with high pressure differentials will cause a minimum duration of 3-6 months; On the other hand, operating with low and recommended pressure differentials could prolong the life of your filters between 8-12 months and sometimes up to two or three years.

Filtros Colector de Polvos duración, filtros industriales, colector de polvos

Pressure differential in bags

For bag-type filters, the recommended pressure differential is between 2 ”and 5” wg and for cartridges 1 ”and 3” wg.

Let's not forget that when dimensioning a dust collection system, the total static pressure of the system is calculated considering the differential in the equipment with dirty filters, that is, 6 ”wg for bags and 4” wg for cartridges, but at startup really with clean filters they only have no more than 0.5 ”wg; so if care is not taken to control the damper on the fan, the filters can be clogged at the same start.

DYNA FLO® Tips: 

  • Replace all dirty filters with new ones, it is not recommended to do it in parts.
  • Do not manually clean the filters, as you could damage them.
  • Consider in your budgets the maintenance of your collectors and the change of filters.
  • Always take into account the opinion of the collector operators.

Collector Types 

Filtros Colector de Polvos duración


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