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Maintenance of a Dust Collector

In many companies, allocating resources to maintain their equipment is not a priority, because they consider that as long as they do not fail, they do not require attention or they simply see it as unnecessary. But, when these are damaged and need to be repaired, they realize the mistake that is made by not considering a preventive maintenance program and allocating resources to them.

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presión diferencial, colectores de polvo, colectores industriales, grupo oasis, oasis méxico, mantenimiento colectores, mantenimiento industrial, sistema de ventilación industrial, Differential Pressure Drops, velocidad del aire

Pressure Drops in a Dust Collector

In a Dust Collector, the differential pressure can be defined as the difference in pressure that exists between the dirty side of the filter chamber and the clean side of it, that is, it is the resistance that is generated when the air flow enters to the baghouse in the collector.

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