colectores de polvo humos y neblinas blog colectores de humo flujo de aire industriales


Definition of air flow

It is the movement of air between two points, as a result of a pressure difference between them, with the flow direction always being from the point of highest to lowest pressure.

The air on our planet exerts a similar pressure on all of us, which we call "atmospheric pressure."

Commonly we can generate an air flow by means of a fan, which sucks air on one side and expels it on the other.

The weight of the air

When moving large volumes of air, it is understood that a great force is required to perform the work, usually it is measured in HP (Horse Power), how, for example, when moving 13,300 SCFM (standard cubic feet per minute) the fan will be constantly working to move 1,000 Pounds / min of air.
For this reason, it is very important to calculate exactly the volumes of air required to be able to control dust, smoke or mist emissions in terms of the ACFM (current cubic foot per minute), referenced to where the system will be placed.
hombre con maquina blog flujo de aire colectores

Riesgo de fuego / Grupo OASIS fabricamos colectores de polvos humos y neblinas. La versatilidad de nuestros Colectores de Polvos, Humos y Neblinas marca DYNAFLO®. brand, the attention to detail during the manufacturing and installation process allowed us to work in Mexico and United States.Nuestros clientes de las industrias agroalimentaria, cementera, química, cerámica, automotriz, acerera, entre otras más nos respaldan.Nuestra amplia gama de productos como colectores de polvos, colectores de humos, colectores de neblinas, ciclones, colectores de humos portátiles, ventiladores industriales, válvulas rotatorias, filtros y refacciones, además de proyectos llave en mano, capacitación y mantenimiento de equipos nos permiten brindar servicios integrales. / Riesgo de fuego

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